Message From Director

K.D. Children’s Academy is an outstanding Academy with a tradition of excellence. We look forward to an exciting and successful year of learning and discovery. Education is our best hope and most effective sustainable development. Education helps children to develop their basic values, attitudes, skills, behavior’s and habits, which may be long lasting.

Education is about laying a sound intellectual, psychological, emotional, social and physical foundation for development and lifelong learning. It has an enormous potential in fostering values, attitudes, skills and behaviors that support holistic development of students. Educational achievement requires persistence, dedication and endeavors. The journey, we begin is Focused on delivering an academic programme that reaches out to alI of our students so that they can discover the true joy of learning.

As a responsible institution, our aim is on development of children as confident and articulate young people who are able to positively contribute as citizens in the modern world. We develop a high quality curriculum incorporating information technology so that children experience challenge and success at all age and developmental levels.

We will continue implementing innovative changes that are designed to move students forward. We sincerely hope that every student of ours will be able to tailor a rich, challenging and rewarding educational pathway that will broaden horizons, assisting them in attaining academic goals and achieve their maximum potential. Working together with you, we hope to provide a Academy environment that encourages the best in our entire students.